Embracing the 2nd Shower

This time I mean the shower that makes you smell nice and look clean. This is not a reference to any other type of shower that I may have complained about mentioned in the past.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I take a morning yoga class one day a week. The class is an hour and 15 minutes in length, and I really work in it – it’s not just meditation and relaxation. I wake up early that day, shower, get Baby up and bathed too. We make the drive to my parents house where Baby will have her bottle and nap with my mom. It’s a great routine we have.

I’ve been taking yoga for the past 11 years, with the same teacher. She’s amazing and is in such great shape that it makes you really want to work hard in the class. Anyway, I work up quite the nice ‘glow’ while I’m in the class and always debate having a 2nd shower when I get home. I always ignore that urge. It’s cold out, I hate being cold, wet and naked. And drying/straightening my hair once a day is enough. Going through all of that effort once a day is more than enough I think. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – I’m lazy.

Until the other day. I gave into the urge. I did my hair and make up again, and actually put a little more effort into it all. The reason being was that I was going to meet my mother at a fundraiser kickoff party, with Baby. I know my mother and know that she prefers my hair a certain way, she’s not a fan of me in glasses, and would like me to look presentable. My hair was nicely done, the contacts came out, and on came the clothes. I looked good, slightly puffy from the baby and steroids but I looked nice.

These days my uniform is usually yoga pants, justified by the fact that I actually do yoga, or sweat pants, justified by the fact that I’m lazy. Don’t get my wrong, when I venture outside of my house I do make an effort, I don’t want to embarrass Babe nor my family. I don’t normally have as much time to put myself together during the day between Baby, Dog, and life taking over

And then came the introduction that may potentially change my future. I was introduced to an individual who is looking for someone with my skill set for a possible employment opportunity. The opportunity would allow me to work closer to home, allow me to quit my current job that is slowing killing me. You never know who you’re going to meet and when!

What a great reason to give into that urge to have the 2nd shower!

This entry was posted in February 2013 and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Embracing the 2nd Shower

  1. Awsome. G-d works mysterious ways. Good luck.
    P.S. I’d love to hear you comment on my blog.

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